Photo by Gregor Fischer: People fleeing Lviv in March
As of May 14
The SD/Subud Ukraine aid team has seen some recent successes: Matvey, Subud Ukraine Chair, reported they just received 25 donated generators (19 were procured by SD France, 6 by Salama, the zone rep). He oversaw their delivery to the Ministry of Health in an area where there’s a lot of destruction (only 20 generators fit in the van; the other 5 are still in Poland). Also, they just received a large shipment of donated medicine (procured by Subud members), and were very pleased they managed to receive it without having to pay a customs fee! Matvey is overseeing delivery to hospitals.
Yesterday SD Britain reps met over Zoom with Lailah Nicoletta Armstrong (ICDP founder) and 9 ICDP facilitators in Ukraine (they are not Subud members, but were trained by Lailah). SDIA sent them $5000 last month to support their trainings (SD USA contributed to this). They shared a breakdown of how the money was spent (mainly stipends for facilitators’ time) and many anecdotes about the very positive response to their work. The group feeling was to continue supporting this. SDIA asked us to send $2000 (I offered more – I think we still have $6000? – but Hamida felt we should wait and see what other needs arise).
A Subud doctor in Germany (he is also Subud Germany chair) said he thinks he can get a donated ultrasound machine (used but functional). It was pointed out that the SD hospitals in Democratic Republic of the Congo could really use this, if Ukraine doesn’t have an urgent need. The plan is not yet confirmed.
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