Please help us to respect the basic etiquette of sharing a prayer by reviewing our Prayer Network Guidelines prior to joining:
- Prayers should be stated clearly and succinctly, with at least the first name(s) of the person(s) for whom prayers are made, and no more detail about their situation than is necessary to focus the prayer with some specificity.
- Prayers on behalf of persons other than the one posting should be made only after permission to do so has been granted by the person concerned. Use only a first name and general location to protect his/her privacy. Example: My neighbor, Maria, has experienced a loss of employment, and has met with delays and frustrating bureaucratic hurdles in filing for unemployment and other financial supports. She fears she will become homeless if some modest income does not come her way in the next month. With her permission, I pray that she will be relieved of the anxiety that makes applying for services and searching for work she can do safely difficult, that she will find comfort in knowing prayers are being offered for her well-being.
- Where permission cannot be obtained, prayers should be framed on behalf of the one posting the prayer. Example: My neighbor has lost her job in the forced closing of the business where she worked. She is very concerned what the loss of income will mean, and she is a very private person, who brushes aside offers of support or help coping with the situation. I pray that I will find just the right way to show her my concern and affection for her, and how to communicate how much I value her as a neighbor and as a friend.
- All posts to the Prayer Network are confidential. To respect the privacy of network members, all communications should be held with conscientious care and should never be forwarded or shared beyond the network without express permission of the person posting.
- Only prayers should be shared; kind consideration of others in the network requires that you refrain from giving advice, forwarding messages from social media, embedding links to other on-line venues, or imposing commercial advertisements of any kind.
- Prayers might be to ask for healing, comfort, restoration of well-being, success in worldly undertakings. They may also be to express gratitude, to share good news, to celebrate life events, or to share guidance you have received.
- Prayers can give voice to our longing to be in alignment with our guidance of God’s will for us.