Photo: Subud USA National Congress 2017 at Pearlstone Retreat Center in Maryland
We greatly appreciate the responses of those members who completed our survey. Thank you for taking time to help us.
The members of Subud USA are diverse and their answers were also. After taking time to compile and examine the results, we were asked by the National Dewan to test for possible locations and to set the conditions we might use to ensure success.
The National Helpers decided after much conferring to test if the idea of organizing a conference at this time was correct according to the will of God. This weekend we used that question for testing. The NH Dewan received a “no”, the test revealed that this is a difficult time to plan an in-person National Congress. Conditions across the nation are not easy to judge as to where, when, and how best to run a National Congress. That, of course, is not final and we will retest the question in the following months.
From the survey and our testing about the membership, we are very aware of the desire and the need of the members to meet and do in-person latihan. We know that each region is experiencing different conditions as to the virus and travel. Each region can decide the best way forward this year, we hope to support and attend those regional congresses.
Michal Brownell
Benjamin Boyce
Fredrick Branchflower
Loretta Covert
Jim Dehner
Latidjah Miller
David Nicoletti
Sofia Nicoletti
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Subud USA • 4216 Howard Road • Beltsville, MD 20705
The name Subud® and the Seven Circles Symbol are both registered marks of the World Subud Association
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